Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Census in Gruta Javier

This week I have been doing a census in a barrio up the hill, Gruta Javier. We didn’t really know anything about the community, besides where it is and that it appears to be very poor. Eduardo, one of the Project HOPE staff, is helping me. We are doing a short survey that asked for names and ages of household members, as well as monthly income and the type of house they live in (i.e. corrugated metal, cement block, etc.). I also take a picture of the family for Project HOPE to use in the future if they decide to partner with the community. In the middle of the community is a huge building project; the government is building apartments for single mothers that will cost approximately $30/month. This means the community will be growing significantly in the near future.
Eduardo is hilarious. He is in charge of children’s ministry at Project HOPE and used to be a professional soccer player in Nicaragua. He is learning ventriloquism, so when we see kids in the community he talks to them in a funny voice with his mouth closed (this produces amused looks from the older kids). When a kid was looking at the truck we came in, Eduardo pretended his voice was the truck talking and the child looked confused and walked away. Eduardo is learning English, so he is always keen to learn new words and their pronunciations. He will make me repeat words he doesn’t know and write them down. Since we are both learning each other’s languages, sometimes our conversations are quite entertaining. When we were driving up to the barrio yesterday he pointed out a woman we had interviewed for the census the day before and said, “We censed her yesterday”. When I saw two men using roosters for a cock fight, I said, “look they are fighting with the chickens!” and Eduardo responded, “no, it is like boxing”.

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